The Ultimate Comparison: Cannabis Clones Vs Seeds

Whether you are a first-time cannabis grower or an experienced one, the decision of whether to start from clones or seeds can be daunting.

On the surface, it can be difficult to tell which of these methods is right for your needs. After all, both have a number of benefits and drawbacks we must weigh carefully. However, when we dig a little deeper into the key differences between cloning and seeds, it becomes clear that there is no single "right" choice.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but which is the best option for you? In this article, we will break down the pros and cons of both methods so that you can make an informed decision. Let's get started!

Pros Of Growing Cannabis Via Seeds

Whether you are a first-time grower or a pro, growing cannabis via seeds has its pros. Take a look at some of the benefits of growing cannabis from the seeds below.

1.    Seeds Grow Taproots

Taproots are a type of root system that helps to anchor the plant in place and absorb nutrients from the soil. This is especially beneficial in cannabis cultivation because it helps to ensure that the plant gets the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Additionally, taproots help to aerate the soil, making it easier for water and oxygen to reach the roots of the plant. This increased access to water and oxygen leads to healthier plants and bigger yields.

As a result, growing cannabis from seeds is a great way to get healthy plants with big yields. Super auto-flowering cannabis seeds are especially beneficial because they have an extra-high concentration of taproots, making them even more efficient at anchoring the plant and absorbing nutrients.

2.   No Inherited Diseases

Cannabis plants grown from seed have no risk of inheriting diseases. Unlike cannabis plants grown through cloning, cannabis seeds are genetically unique, meaning that there is no possibility for the plant to develop diseases normally passed down from mother plants.

3.   Increased Flexibility

Cannabis seeds also provide growers with more flexibility in terms of selecting which strain to grow. Whether you prefer potent Indica strains or energy-boosting Sativa strains, there are cannabis breeding programs out there with a wide range of genetics available.

4.  More Variety

When it comes to cannabis, more variety is definitely a benefit of growing by seeds. By growing your own cannabis plants from seeds, you have the ability to choose from a wide variety of different strains, sizes, and colors.

This is opposed to clones, which are exact genetic copies of a mother plant. Since cannabis seeds are produced sexually, they contain a mix of genes from both male and female parents.

Cons Of Growing Cannabis Via Seeds

Take a look at the cons of growing cannabis via seeds. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list - just some of the most commonly cited cons.

1.    Unknown Gender

Since cannabis seeds are often sold without any indication of the plant's gender, it can take a lot of time and effort before a grower knows whether their cannabis is male or female. Additionally, when buying cannabis seeds from unreliable sources, the risk is even higher, as you won't know for sure whether the seed is actually cannabis or something else entirely.

2.   Delicate Nature

After cannabis seeds pop, they are very fragile and can be easily damaged or killed. This can create a major challenge for new growers who may not yet fully understand how to care for cannabis plants. Additionally, cannabis seeds take much longer to grow than cuttings or clones, which means that it can take several weeks before a cannabis plant reaches the same size as a grafted plant.

Pros Of Growing Cannabis Via Clones

When it comes to growing cannabis, using clones can provide several advantages over starting from seeds. Clones are taken from a healthy cannabis plant, so you know that they will be resistant to disease and pests. They also grow quickly and display the same characteristics as the parent plant. Here are just a few of the many pros of growing cannabis via clones.

1.    Known Output

Growing cannabis by cloning is a great way to get started, as it allows you to quickly and easily produce female plants. You know exactly what to expect from your cannabis plants since gender – male or female – is determined at the outset. In comparison, with cannabis seeds, it can be difficult to predict the gender of your plant until it matures and starts producing buds. 

Cannabis clones are genetically identical to the parent plant, so growers can be assured of getting a consistent product. In contrast, cannabis seeds can produce plants that vary significantly in terms of size, shape, and cannabinoid content.

2.   Quick Cultivation

Cannabis seeds have to be first germinated, which can take a week or two. They then have to be grown into plants, which takes several more weeks. By contrast, clones are already plants that are several weeks ahead in the cultivation process. This means that cannabis growers can get their crops to market much faster by growing clones instead of waiting for seeds to sprout and then grow into plants.

3.   Less Delicate

One advantage of growing cannabis by clones is that they are less delicate than seeds. A rooted clone is much easier to keep alive and nourish than a newly sprouted, delicate seedling. Clones also tend to be more vigorous and have a shorter time to maturity than seedlings.

Cons Of Growing Cannabis Via Clones

Proponents of cannabis growers using clones rather than seeds argue that it leads to a more successful and productive crop. However, there are several significant drawbacks to cloning that should be considered before making the switch.

1.    Hard To Find

The challenge of finding good clones is well-known among cannabis cultivators. Clones must be taken from an existing vegetating plant, making it difficult to find healthy, viable plants in the first place. Additionally, selling or transporting clones is often illegal or heavily regulated, making shipping them a risky endeavor.

2.   Unwanted Traits

Growing marijuana by cloning offers many advantages, such as predictable yields and shorter grow times. However, it also has its downsides, with one of the main disadvantages being that unwanted traits can be passed on from the mother plant to her clones. The mother plant can have any number of potential genetic issues or faults, which may not become apparent until you've raised a few clones.

Final Verdict

So, what’s the verdict? Clones or seeds? If you want to skip the germination process and go straight to planting, cloning is your best bet. You can also save money on seeds if you purchase them in bulk. However, there are some benefits to growing from seed – like getting a wider variety of strains and being able to breed your own plants.

Both have benefits and drawbacks, but the choice between them ultimately depends on the grower’s individual needs and preferences. If you’re still unsure about which route to take, be sure to check out our website at for more information on both cloning and seed-growing.


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