How to Grow Cannabis from Seeds


Cannabis is a real pant that can be grown for medicinal or recreational purposes. Fortunately, this plant can be grown both outdoors and indoors, making it possible for home growers to venture into germinating its seeds at home.

If you are interested in learning how to grow your marijuana plant from the comfort of your home, this article is for you. We will discuss how to germinate Cannabis seeds using three simple methods but before that, let’s learn a little about the marijuana seed.

Understanding the Cannabis Seed

The first step in starting a successful marijuana crop is selecting a viable cannabis seed. You should look for a brown seed with some stripes and make sure it is dry and hard. If the seed looks light green or white, it is probably because it isn't properly developed and incapable of producing a healthy plant.

The marijuana seeds have male and female varieties. The male plant is responsible for producing pollen that pollinates the female plant, and once the flower (female plant) pollinates, it produces seeds. Hence, it is the female part that produces the buds everyone loves.

There are different types of seeds that you can choose from, but if you are a beginner, your best bet is the super autoflower seeds. Autoflowering cannabis seeds produce female plants that switch to the flowering stage automatically. Since the seeds start flowering at a fixed time, home growers have to worry less about giving the seed optimal environmental conditions.

In addition, super autoflowering seeds have shorter life cycles and grow faster than other photoperiod strains. You could also try the gg4 autoflower seeds for guaranteed germination success.

You can also buy regular Cannabis seeds to start your crop. These seeds are easily available and are less expensive; however, regular seeds produce both male and female plants. If you are new to growing your own marijuana plants, you might have a difficult time identifying which one is male and which is female.

On the other hand, feminized seeds produce female plants only and are more costly.

Growing Cannabis from Seeds at Home

Indoors or Outdoors?

If you want your own cannabis crop, you can either start your seeds indoors or outdoors. Growing your plants outdoors means exposing them to the severity of hot/cold weather, pests, mold, and wind.

Since the seeds are fragile and vulnerable at the beginning, keeping them in a safe environment increases their chances of survival. Therefore, it is recommended to germinate your seeds indoors to reduce any risks and negative outcomes caused by harsh temperatures.

Methods for Growing Cannabis Plant

A common question puzzles most first-time growers: How long does it take for cannabis seed to germinate? It can take anywhere from a few days to a week to see any progress in your marijuana seeds.

Here, we will discuss three popular methods used for growing the cannabis plant. Regardless of the method, you select, you have to provide your seed moisture, warmth, and air if you want it to germinate successfully.

As a rule of thumb, Cannabis seeds require temperatures between 70° F to 90° F for sprouting.

Here are three ways you can grow a marijuana plant at home.

Paper Towel Method

For this method, you will need:

·        Cannabis seeds

·        Paper towels

·        A plastic container with a lid

·        2 plates

·        Water sprayer

Place a paper towel in a plastic container and put a few seeds on it. Place a plate at the bottom to prevent moisture damage and one on top to ensure the seeds remain in the shade. Spray the paper towel with warm water and cover it with a lid. You must ensure the container remains warm, dark, and humid at all times.

You have to open the container after every few hours and spray it with water. You don't want the paper towels to dry out; otherwise, your seed will not germinate. The napkins should be moist but not overly wet.

As soon as you see the first white taproot, transfer the seed into the next growing medium, such as a plug, jiffy, or cup. 

Water Soaking Method

For this method, you will need:

·        Cannabis seeds

·        A glass of lukewarm water

·        Growing medium

This is a simple method that yields quick results. All you have to do is soak the cannabis seed overnight in a glass of water before planting it directly into the next growing medium (soil, etc.) When the seed is immersed in water, it triggers hormones that signal the seed to start germinating.

However, you should be careful not to leave the seed for more than 24 hours as it may lead to the cannabis seed becoming deprived of oxygen and rotting.

After the seed has soaked for a day, you can remove and place them in any growing medium, such as a moist paper towel, soil, or cheesecloth.

Direct Planting Method

For this method, you will need:

·        Cannabis seeds

·        A growing medium

Planting your seeds directly into the final growing medium saves them from the shock of moving from one medium to another when they are in their most fragile state. Since both the soaking and moist paper towel methods are prone to temperature fluctuations, planting directly in the soil is a smarter option.

Fill premium-quality, moist soil in pots or cups, make a hole around 10 to 15mm deep and place the cannabis seed inside it. Cover the seed lightly with soil but don't compress the soil too much above it. Spray some water on top and make sure the growing medium stays warm and moist.

Wrapping it up

We have discussed three popular ways of growing the cannabis seed and also helped you understand the basics of choosing the right seed for your crop.

Germinating marijuana seeds can be exciting but also frustrating if things don’t turn out the way you expected. It is better to opt for the super autoflowering seeds and pair them with the best organic nutrients for autoflower to ensure a perfect cannabis plant every time!


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